Friday, October 5, 2012

what's class got to do with it?

Have you ever thought about social class and how it may affect your family?  Well, you should, because it does!  I've learned that upper class families tend have more structured rules, less children, and may not be as close as a family.  Lower class families tend to have more children, and those children are more often than not unruly.  What determines social class?  Well, it's based on money of course, prestige or reputation, and education.  However, research shows that if you work together as a family like doing projects around the yard or house, you becomes closer and more tight knit verses if you were to go on a family vacation.  That's an interesting though isn't it?  But I think likewise, if a family is more lower-middle class and they work together to climb the ladder to upper-middle class I think this will cause the family to become closer as well.  In my own family, I would have to agree that when I do projects and things with them we have so much fun and are really able to connect with one another.  Family vacations are great don't get me wrong, but there's something about working together to reach a common goal that really bonds us together.  What do you think?  What connects you the best to your family?  And does class standing have anything to do with it?

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